전국인민대표대회의 홍콩 국가보안법 도입 결정 영어로
- National People's Congress decision on Hong Kong national security legislation
- 홍콩: hong kong; hong kong sar china; hakka
- 홍콩 국가보안법: Hong Kong national security law
- 국가보안법: National Security Act
- 도입: 도입 [導入] introduction; induction;
- 결정: 결정 [決定] (a) decision; [결의] (a)
- 전국인민대표대회: national people’s congress
- 전국인민대표대회 구성원: Members of the National People's Congress
- 전국인민대표대회 상무위원회: standing committee of the national people’s congress
- 소련 인민대표대회: Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union
- 국가보안법 (대한민국): National Security Act (South Korea)
- 국가보안국: Reichssicherheitsdienst
- 인민대회당: Great Hall of the People